Sunday, May 27, 2007

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I am myself present I have arrived safe and I would like you would see what you could do for me I have done all circomstances would alow me which you now try what you con do answer this letter as soon as posabel direct your letter to larson-toich anders the post office That is my name no more at presant
the locals perceive me as the betrayer of lawn fertilizer and weed care.

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Every one lookes on me like aA black snake send me an answer me as soon posable.

(initials unreadable)

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Telegram for BHJ

Confidential and urgent

see by Woodstock papers of today received a letter from you of the times 3000 dollar column

A similar communication probably from the same pen was received by yours truly

a few days since, it contains a tissue of falsehoods & makes various threats I think it inadvisable that publicity should be given to such a production & should recommend that the production crew of the movie film should be advise not to publish that abomination.

(initials unreadable)


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